


grb+-20061113.user.js - ヒビノキロク


// ==UserScript==
// @name GR+?B
// @namespace http://d.hatena.ne.jp/nozom/
// @description show ?B button and count in Google Reader
// @include http://www.google.com/reader/view/*
// @include https://www.google.com/reader/view/*
// ==/UserScript==

// original author is id:kusigahama
// see http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kusigahama/20051207#p1

(function() {
const user = 'mamotena';

var timerID = null;
var busy = false;
var urlCache = new Object();

function getUrlCache(url) {
if (typeof urlCache[url] == 'undefined')
urlCache[url] = new Object();
return urlCache[url];

String.prototype.htmlescape = function() {
return this.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<");

function findNode(root, xpath) {
var result = document.evaluate(xpath, root, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
if (! result.snapshotLength) return null;
return result.snapshotItem(0);

function getBookmarkCountSpan(node) {
return findNode(node, 'span[@class="hatena-bookmark-count"]');

function insertChartSBM(targetNode, url) {
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.setAttribute('href', "http://amachang.art-code.org/chart/?" + url);
a.setAttribute('target', '_blank');

with (targetNode) {
appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ("));
appendChild(document.createTextNode(") "));

function insertBookmarkCount(targetNode, url, count) {
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.setAttribute('href', "http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/" + url);
a.setAttribute('target', '_blank');

var str = (count > 0 ? "" + count : "no") + " user" + (count != 1 ? "s" : "");

with (a.style) {
fontSize = "0.9em";
textDecoration = "none";
if (count >= 5) {
fontWeight = "bold";
backgroundColor = "#fff0f0";
color = "#f66";
if (count >= 10) {
backgroundColor = "#ffcccc";
color = "red";

with (targetNode) {
appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ("));
appendChild(document.createTextNode(") "));

function createBookmarkCount(url, count) {
var node = document.createElement('span');
node.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-bookmark-count');
if (count > 0) {
insertBookmarkCount(node, url, count);
} else {
node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
insertChartSBM(node, url);
return node;

function setBookmarkCounts(infoArray) {
for (var i = 0; i < infoArray.length; i++) {
var entry = infoArray[i].entry;
var url = infoArray[i].url;
var title = infoArray[i].title;
var entryContainerTitle = infoArray[i].entryContainerTitle;
var collapsedTitle = infoArray[i].collapsedTitle;
var entryActions = infoArray[i].entryActions;

var count = getUrlCache(url).count;
if (typeof count != 'undefined') {
if (typeof collapsedTitle != 'undefined') {
var node = createBookmarkCount(url, count);
collapsedTitle.insertBefore(node, collapsedTitle.childNodes[1]);
if (typeof entryContainerTitle != 'undefined') {
var node = createBookmarkCount(url, count);
entryContainerTitle.insertBefore(node, entryContainerTitle.childNodes[1]);

function callXmlrpc(requestbody, infoArray) {
const endpoint = "http://b.hatena.ne.jp/xmlrpc";
function onload(response) {
if (response.responseText.match(/<fault>/)) {
// clearInterval(timerID);
//setInterval(timerID, 15000);
//alert("xmlrpc call failed: " + response.responseText + "\n" + "request: " + requestbody);
} else {
var pattern = /<name>([^<]+)<\/name>\s*<value><int>(\d+)/g;
var m;
while (m = pattern.exec(response.responseText)) {
getUrlCache(m[1]).count = m[2];
busy = false;

// alert('xmlrpc call :' + requestbody);
GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "POST", url: endpoint, data: requestbody, onload: onload });

function createAddBookmarkIcon(url, title) {
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.setAttribute('href', 'http://b.hatena.ne.jp/add?mode=confirm&is_bm=1&title=' + escape(title) + '&url=' + escape(url));
a.setAttribute('target', '_blank');

var img = document.createElement('img');
img.setAttribute('src', 'http://b.hatena.ne.jp/images/append.gif');
img.setAttribute('alt', 'add bookmark');
img.setAttribute('title', 'add bookmark');
with (img.style) {
borderWidth = '0px';

var node = document.createElement('span');
node.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-bookmark-icon');

return node;

function createBookmarkIcon() {
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.setAttribute('src', 'http://www.hatena.ne.jp/images/user_bookmark.gif');
img.setAttribute('alt', 'bookmarked');
img.setAttribute('title', 'bookmarked');

var node = document.createElement('span');
node.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-bookmark-icon');

return node;

function addBookmarkIcon(currentEntry) {
var entryContainerTitle = findNode(currentEntry, './/div[@class="entry-container"]//h2');
var entryActions = findNode(currentEntry, './/div[@class="entry-actions"]');
if ((entryContainerTitle == null) || (entryActions == null)) return;

var link = entryContainerTitle.firstChild;
var title = link.firstChild.textContent;

function onload(response) {
if (response.responseText != null) {
var responseXML = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(response.responseText, "application/xml");
if (responseXML != null) {
var channel = responseXML.getElementsByTagName('channel')[0];
if (channel != null) {
var items = channel.getElementsByTagName('items')[0];
if (items != null) {
var lis = items.getElementsByTagName('li');
if (lis.length > 0) {
getUrlCache(link.href).bookmarked = true;
} else {
getUrlCache(link.href).bookmarked = false;
entryActions.appendChild(createAddBookmarkIcon(link.href, title));

var bookmarked = getUrlCache(link.href).bookmarked;
if (typeof bookmarked == 'undefined') {
getUrlCache(link.href).bookmarked = 'loading';
var url = 'http://b.hatena.ne.jp/' + user + '/rss?url=' + escape(link.href);
GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: url, onload: onload });
} else if (bookmarked == 'loading') {
// skipped
} else if (bookmarked) {
} else {
entryActions.appendChild(createAddBookmarkIcon(link.href, title));

function timerHandler() {
if (busy) return;

var entries = document.getElementById('entries');
if (entries == null) return;

var currentEntry = document.getElementById('current-entry');
if (currentEntry != null) {
if (findNode(currentEntry, './/span[@class="hatena-bookmark-icon"]') == null) {

busy = true;

var infoArray = new Array();
var reqUrlArray = new Array();
var reqUrlHash = new Object();
for (var i = 0; i < entries.childNodes.length; i++) {
var entry = entries.childNodes[i];
var collapsedTitle = findNode(entry, './/div[@class="collapsed"]//h2');
var entryContainerTitle = findNode(entry, './/div[@class="entry-container"]//h2');

var link = null;
var title = null;
if (entryContainerTitle != null) {
link = entryContainerTitle.firstChild;
title = link.firstChild.textContent;
} else if (collapsedTitle != null) {
link = collapsedTitle.parentNode.parentNode.firstChild;
title = collapsedTitle.textContent;

if (link != null) {
var info = { entry: entry, url: link.href, title: title };
if ((collapsedTitle != null) && (getBookmarkCountSpan(collapsedTitle) == null)) {
info.collapsedTitle = collapsedTitle;
if ((entryContainerTitle != null) && (getBookmarkCountSpan(entryContainerTitle) == null)) {
info.entryContainerTitle = entryContainerTitle;
if ((info.collapsedTitle != null) || (info.entryContainerTitle != null)) {
if ((getUrlCache(link.href).count == null) &&
(! reqUrlHash[link.href])) {
reqUrlHash[link.href] = true;

if (infoArray.length == 0) {
busy = false;

if (reqUrlArray.length == 0) {
// all items are found in the cache
busy = false;
} else {
// avoid xmlrpc call failure in 'too many params' error
reqUrlArray = reqUrlArray.splice(0, 50);

var request = '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<methodCall>\n<methodName>bookmark.getCount</methodName>\n<params>\n';
for (var i = 0; i < reqUrlArray.length; i++) {
var url = reqUrlArray[i];
request += "<param><value><string>" + url.htmlescape() + "</string></value></param>\n";
request += "</params>\n</methodCall>\n";
callXmlrpc(request, infoArray);

// be careful not to be too busy
timerID = setInterval(timerHandler, 15000);

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